The Reattachment by Douglas Ford

In a work related accident, Frye has lost his arm in the gears of a heavy piece of machinery. After adjusting from the accident, years later, a visitor comes knocking at his door. A strange and unusual offer is presented…to reattach a severed arm. Post surgery and many pain pills later, the final result is, “it doesn’t do what I want it to.”

The Reattachment, a psychedelic story, embraces dismemberment, chaos and a reaffixed arm with a mind of its own. Author Douglas Ford has once again reached into his surreal bag of tricks. He does so in order to achieve an ingenious storyline, with unusual character behavior and an endless supply of “without warning” moments. Not to mention Madness Heart Press and Douglas Ford is like having your chocolate in my peanut butter…a great combination.

There’s really no words to describe Ford’s writing style. His narrative imagery allows the reader to encounter odd and beautiful landscapes with a nightmarish twist always lurking in the shadows. The Reattachment occurs at the intersection of human and monster, infected by an immoral vice of abject horror. A new scientific study suggests strong similarities between a drug induced trip and a Douglas Ford book.
I love reading Douglas Ford! He somehow takes conscious control of reality and cuts through it like a bone saw. Per all the unique talent mentioned within this review, I strongly suggest my fellow horror readers grab this five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
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A Five Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation

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