In The Land Of The Pigs by Caesar Ruell

In the town of Crow’s River, butcher Levi Harlen and his wife have made this part of the Wild West their home. When a strange being from another plane visits Levi, a message of the utmost importance is delivered. A monumental event is about to occur, and Levi is called upon to destroy a wave of vicious transformed pig like creatures. With his meat clever, tenderizer and donning his bloody apron, Levi the butcher is preparing for the ultimate battle of good vs evil.

Within the strange blood-curdling pages of In The Land Of The Pigs by Caesar Ruell, exists a rootin tootin good time of a read. This western horror novel is not short on chunks of flesh, bloody butchery and a most unusual storyline. In preparation to cleanse the rugged frontier of pig-demons, I’m reminded of that good ole proverb “with great power comes great responsibility.” With its pure graphic content mixed with an inventive cast of characters, ITLOTP slices and dices its way into an inventive piece of splatter spaghetti western.

This is not my first run-in with Ruell’s disturbing dark fiction. Now I’m back for more of his nightmarish creepy creations. He lays down a horrific foundation of bizarre unholiness, then creates a vivid setting of tearing flesh and snapping bones. We all have pieces of crazy in us, it just so happens Caesar Ruell’s are bigger pieces than most.
If you like your priests with immoral qualities, your nuns with nasty attitudes and your professional pig slayers that give no quarter, look no further. Sinister squeals, growling grunts and savage snorts, you’ll never visit a petting zoo the same way again. A Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
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A Horror Bookworm Recommendation

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