Rabbit Hunt by Wrath James White

For a good time of hunting, a group of friends rent a cabin in the mountain woods. Weapons of choice include bow and arrow, hatchet, machete and a five-pound sledgehammer. With the scenic views of wooded hills and beautiful lakes, the serene isolated sounds of nature are soon shattered by the warped screams of torture and murder. Welcome to Rabbit Hunt by Wrath James White.

As we begin this review, let me first say among all the great fresh talented splatterpunk/extreme authors out there, every once in a while a veteran stands up and shows us all how it’s done. Enter Wrath James White.

A warped ritual of sorts places helpless panic-stricken victims within an all too real nightmare. Wrath lays his foundation with an unsettling environment of violent conflicts and extreme abusive exploits. Add a dash of cultural prejudice and a warped sense of self-entitlement and you have a recipe for a gorifical taboo fun time. Rabbit Hunt exposes the deepest, darkest secrets of the human mind in the most tortuous of ways. I should also mention, along with the many trigger warnings, readers should be aware that it may contain gluten, dairy and nuts. It’s that volatile.

Wrath conducts his macabre symphony with a repulsive yet elegant approach. It literally awakens all five senses with a hard slap to the face. From perverted oppression to chaotic mayhem, the twists and turns in this book paves the way for some gruesome spooky shit.
In the vein of J. F. Gonzales’ Survivor and Monica J. O’Rourke’s Suffer The Flesh, Rabbit Hunt is one of those reads you just don’t forget. I’m officially ringing the Splatterpunk dinner bell for all extreme readers. Grab your copy of Rabbit Hunt today and let the begging and screaming begin. A five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
Grab your copy here…
A Five Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation

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