Palmetto by Ania Ahlborn

Kim and Eddie have decided to stop renting and take the plunge to purchase a new home in anticipation for the baby on the way. After finding the perfect house and pregnancy in full swing, the couple move in. However, within the four walls of the new house, comes unexpected horrors and unimaginable sacrifices.

Palmetto by Ania Ahlborn is a short story / novella sized tale of preparation for a brand new baby. This, mixed with nocturnal Palmetto bugs. These massive winged cockroaches are the disgusting arthropods that overflow within Ahlborn’s pages of pure repulsive roach horror. Poison sprays, deadly pesticides or maybe a household cat, the only thing that will save the reader from this insect horror is a closed book.

This is my first Ania Ahlborn book (don’t judge), and as the saying goes…definitely won’t be my last. Reading Palmetto is like enjoying a danish and coffee, then discovering a writhing insect at the bottom of your mug. It’s a perfect little story that delivers a memorable morbid twist of the creepy kind. (My favorite type of book!)
Palmetto is a fast-pace piece of fiction that will keep readers on the edge of their seat, needing to know what’s gonna happen next. Providing a claustrophobic imprisonment of feral roaches is enough to make any reader have an extreme case of Entomophobia. Where’s the Orkin Man when ya need’em?! A five star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
Visit The Voice Of New Horror…Ania Ahlborn…
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A Five Star ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Horror Bookworm Recommendation

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