Hate House by John C. Foster

Megan French is recruited to investigate a most unusual house. The haunted history behind the abandoned dwelling, along with an ongoing legal conflict, are both two of the most bizarre components surrounding the estate. Built on a small rocky island, the investigations have aroused something within. Hate House is awake.

With its faded wallpaper and boarded-up windows, John C. Foster’s strange tale of decayed decadence, spurs its sole purpose of intentional bitterness. Within these frightful walls, Foster paints a devious and dark interior with an illustration of a sinister evil. The rumored misdoings of cannibalism, predatory priests and the secret in the cellar are the macabre premises to read this engrossing dead zone of bad juju.

John C. Foster has concocted an original concept of toxic terror. Irrational fear, misery and gloom are the atmospheric guts that make Foster’s creation a success. Hate House is a trip into the psychological paranoia within its labyrinth of claustrophobic chills. The appeal is the prominent lore of a creepy sense of helplessness. Its private property of otherworldly inhabitants preys on the reader like a hungry river leech.
“There’s a great deal of man’s evil connected to Hate House.” You have become an official guest, so wipe your feet on the welcome mat and enter at your own risk. A Horror Bookworm Recommendation.
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A Horror Bookworm Recommendation

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